Anonymous. Credit: Anna Tsuyuri.

You have to remember, we’re the Freemasons. Only, we’ve got a sense of humor. You have to wield power with a sense of humor. Otherwise you become the FBI.

A profile of Brown pre-arrest, when he was still known (paradoxically) as the "spokesman for Anonymous." The piece shows what a intrepid, dangerous force Brown could be against authority.
↩︎ D Magazine
Nov 30, 2016

The marvel that was Barrett's "Review of Arts and Letters and Prison"

Barrett Brown's "review of arts and letters and prison" column, first published by D Magazine and then the Intercept, is one of the very best inside-prison looks at the horrors of the criminal justice system.

On ersatz Dungeons & Dragons, reading Gaddafi in "the hole," eating mouse, and Kissinger's biography, Brown's dispatches are lucid, funny, and terrifying, especially given the weakness of the federal case that convicted him.

Nov 30, 2016

We live in a sort of silly cultural hell where the columns are composed by Thomas Friedman, the novels are written by Jonathan Franzen, the debate is framed by CNN, and the fact-checking is done by no one.

Barrett Brown did not enjoy receiving Jonathan Franzen novels while he was in prison.
↩︎ The Intercept
Nov 30, 2016
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