Credit: Jan Fortytwo.

We went through years of seeing every hack in America reduce dramatic Red Sox playoff baseball to prefabricated invocations of the Curse of the Bambino, and hindsight has only proven how silly and counterproductive it was for writers to hug their clichés rather than write meaningful and interesting things about meaningful and interesting baseball games.

A plea for good writing about the Cubs.
↩︎ Deadspin
Oct 19, 2016

In 1945, Cubs fans objected to the stench of a goat in the bleachers. The goat, named Murphy, was tavernkeeper Billy Sianis's pet, and he took the ejection to heart, declaring as he left that "them Cubs, they ain't gonna win no more."

So, does the curse exist? For millions of Cubs fans, it does: the team's travails have included decades of mediocrity punctuated by heartbreak that damned the good years. Last year's collapse even came at the mercy of a Mets second baseman also named Murphy. 

For what it's worth, Sianis's Billy Goat Tavern stands to this day; it was also the subject of the SNL skit "Olympia Cafe."

The truth is that we ran the flag up the pole too soon. No doubt about it.

Prominent in the catalog of Cubbie woe: In 1969, a black cat circled star Ron Santo on the field, and Mr. Cub Ernie Banks wasn't enough to stave off a furious finish by the Miracle Mets.
↩︎ Chicago Tribune
Oct 17, 2016
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