Letters From the Editor


I just emailed Josh the following definitions of strange words and realized that they’re funny enough for everyone to enjoy; this is from a Harper’s excerpt two years ago of the Oxford English Dictionary’s appeal for new words.

Puppies – Slang for women’s breasts, used by wrestling fans across America Snirkle – To laugh politely at something said by another that is not funny Squirtus – A name given to someone who annoys the living shit out of you Truddle – When two people walk a converging course down a hallway and to avoid a collision both step aside in the same direction and then try stepping aside in the opposite direction, thus continuing on a collision course Cuntify – To make something all cunty-like

Rosecrans Baldwin co-founded TMN with publisher Andrew Womack in 1999. His latest book is Everything Now: Lessons From the City-State of Los Angeles. More information can be found at rosecransbaldwin.com. More by Rosecrans Baldwin

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